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- If its possible to issue me the receipt, right after I have paid my registration fee online successfully with my credit card? (請問作者註冊後是否可以先開立收據?) Ans: Yes, our system will be automatically generated a digital PDF receipt, and you will receive a notification in your email. You can download the receipt once you login into your own account. (信用卡註冊一旦刷卡後,系統馬上產生收據,註冊者可以登入系統下載,若是臨櫃轉帳繳費,則需上傳匯款證明到系統,經確認後,即在系統上產生收據。)
- Can I submit my paper both to SCI and Proceedings at the same time? (請問我可以同時轉投論文至SCI及會議論文集?) Ans: No, you can not apply your paper to both SCI journals and proceedings at the same time, due to self-multiple publication. (很抱歉,作者只能選擇一項出刊。)
- Regarding to Question 2, how long do I have to wait, if I want my submitted full paper to be ONLY recommended to other SCI journals? (Q2中回覆會等大會通知,請問是在會議前或後,有無大約時間? 想了解有多少改寫的準備時間。) Ans: Our editorial board will launch the next procedure to prepare for the authors who do wish to be recommended to their selected SCI journals, after our conference is taken place. Because we have offered more than 10 different SCI journals, and each journal has their own different submission deadline and format regulation. Therefore, it is not possible to give every author any specific and conclusive date based on every author’s choice. (在研討會議舉行後,由研討會議編輯轉投小組啟動轉投期刊程序。因作者轉投的期刊,其規定與投稿日期都不相同。請依個人所選擇之期刊,配合轉投規定。)
- Can I nominate any reviewer for my intended forwarded SCI journal? (請問作者希望轉投的SCI期刊,是由編輯群推薦,還是作者自選?) Ans: Yes, you can! You could nominate and fill in reviewer’s name in your account when you register. However, our editorial board will double check your topic and decide for you. (作者可以在註冊系統裡勾選自己希望轉投的期刊之順位,但最終是由大會論文編輯委員做最後的決定。)
- Do I have to present my paper or poster all in English? Ans: Yes, you have to! The whole conference will use English as an official language.
- Is there any guideline for my Oral Presentation? (請問Oral Presentation規則?) Ans: Length of presentation material should be in accordance with your time assigned as follows:
- Oral Presentation: It is around 8-10 minutes, with an additional 5 minutes for Q&A period following each talk. Presentation material is preferred to be concise, succinct, and clearly understood. Up to 20 slides for oral presentation is recommended. The session chair will introduce each speaker and moderate Q&A period.
- Invited Presentation (Oral): It is around 15 minutes, with an additional 5 minutes for Q&A period following each talk. Presentation material is preferred to be concise, succinct, and clearly understood. The Session Chair will introduce each speaker and moderate Q&A period.
- Is there any guideline for my Poster Presentation? (請問Poster Presentation規則?) Ans: We do not specify your poster format. However, each poster should include your paper ID number, title, authors, affiliations, summary and results. It shall fit in VERTICAL A2 size (420mm×594mm).
- How long will I have to wait for my conference paper to be published by ICICE 2024 and what shall I be aware of? Ans: For the participants whoever choose to be published by ICASI Office, please make sure that your email won’t BLOCK our official email ( for the next SIX months, after the conference that is taken place. We might contact you via emails based on your information in our system about text modification requested by publisher. If we cannot reach you via your emails, the publisher holds every right to decide your paper will be published or not. We as an organizer will not take any responsibility for your action. Thank you for your understanding.